Wordsmith helps you



Write more and spend less time reviewing for mistakes

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First, highlight any text you wrote

Wordsmith works with just about anywhere you can write text on the web. I'm currently trying to add functionality for Google Docs.

Select your changes

You can choose between applying a scholarly tone, a professional tone, broadening your vocab, using an active voice, adding vivid details, shortening it, or making it longer.

Finally, watch the magic unfold

Our GPT-powered AI will help you craft the perfect message, helping your writing convey the right message to your audience.

Try seven different version of the same sentence

Write a more impactful message in half the time

Scholarly Tone
Scholarly Tone
Professional Tone
Professional Tone
Broaden Vocab
Broaden Vocab
Active Voice
Active Voice
Vivid Descriptions
Vivid Descriptions
Shorten It
Shorten It
Lengthen It
Lengthen It